Fisetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid that positively impacts our health and well being.
Flavonoids are the healthy bit of fruit and vegetables that give them their bright colours. Human cells can only grow and divide so many times. They turn senescent (zombie cells) and accumulate everywhere in the body.
Senescent cells secrete damaging substances that affect healthy surrounding cells and can disrupt stem cells. They also promote low levels of chronic inflammation.
Accumulation of the senescent cells drives ageing and all age related diseases. It’s important to clear away these senescent cells.
Senolytics are molecules the body uses to clear away the senescent cells. Fisetin is a very potent senolytic.
It clears away senescent cells without damaging healthy cells. This has many health and longevity benefits.
Fisetin is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. It also preserves the bodies supply of glutathione. An important antioxidant that declines as we age. Low levels of glutathione are linked to all aged related diseases.
Fisetin has been shown to mimic calorie restriction. When we calorie restrict our body will go into survival mode and release sirtuins, the repairers of our body.
Fisetin will activate the sirtuin function in our cells. Fisetin has been shown to have anti-cancer properties. It has the ability to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer and help in the removal of tumour cells.
The Mayo Clinic has now engaged in a comprehensive study of the anti aging benefits of Fisetin. Fisetin other benefits is that it's contained in delicious fruit and veg. This can be a welcome relief for people who find it hard to eat sardines for breakfast.
Another way that has a greater concentration of absorbable fisetin is to supplement, have a chat with Pete the next time you are in to find out where, when and how you can supplement! In the meantime, check out our amazing Fisetin rich salad recipe below! ( click on the image for the full recipe).